Political science that masquerade as medical science

Dictatorship, medical martial law and tyranny, political science that masquerade as medical science. Endless scaremongering to justify endless control over people's mind and lives.

These things I still believe.

1. Natural immunity from natural infection works. It's not just man-made or government-imposed "vax immunity."

2. Thus isolation -- lockdown -- of people that prevent or delay natural immunity among the young and healthy is wrong.

3. Mandatory and prolonged masking is wrong.

4. Old, decades-proven human-grade treatment like Ivermectin, HCQ, work.

5. Emergency use because there are no long-term studies vax are not really "Safe and effective," it remains a hypothesis contradicted with thousands of vaccine adverse events - VAERS, VigiAccess, EudraVigilance, even Phils. FDA reports show this.

6. People's basic civil rights and freedom -- freedom to work, freedom of mobility, freedom about their own body to take a vax or not -- been compromised, heavily restricted precisely because the lockdown is mainly political science + military science that masquerade as medical science.

7. Covid cases and deaths heavily exagerrated because there is large incentive, large subsidy in medical costs and hospitalization, if sickness and deaths are declared as Covid. For example, hospital reimbursement for Covid mild pneumonia about P100k, for severe pneumonia P333k, and for critical pneumonia P780k.

8. People's innate immunity compromised, their natural immunity dilapidated by multiple boosters. Resurgence of high "Covid cases" -- because there are no more regular flu -- one proof of this.

Meanwhile, some old reports: 

German Mainstream Media: “Serious Flaws In Pfizer BioNTech Vaccine Study”…”Many Irregularities”
By P Gosselin on 25. February 2023

Survey: 36.6% Of German 18 To 29 Year-Olds Experienced Severe COVID Vaccine Side Effects
By P Gosselin on 17. March 2023

Autism On The Rise: CDC Data

Bombshell Vax Analysis Finds $147 Billion In Economic Damage, Tens Of Millions Injured Or Disabled


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