Covid vax effects on fertility

Some news reports and data on this subject, read on.

1. Presentation By Dr Luke McLindon On Miscarriages & Vaccination. Micarriage Rate Doubled to 48%!
Tim Truth  August 27, 2022

2. 16 August 2022: UK Changes Their Guidelines On Vaccination Of Pregnant and Breastfeeding Women To Withdraw Vaccination Recommendations, And To Recommend Pregnancy Screening Prior To Vaccination!
Philippine Obstetrical And Gynecological Society (POGS) maintain their 22nd January 2022 Practice Bulletin for full Covid-19 vaccination and booster doses for pregnant and breastfeeding women!

3. Infertility Pandemic: Number Of Births In Germany For January-April 2022 Period Plummets 12%

By P Gosselin on 10. August 2022

“Compared to the previous year, the number of births has fallen by 12 percent – that’s about 25,000 fewer births in the first four months of 2022,” reports Sternfried Müller of

The next chart shows the monthly number of births and just how dismally 2022 lags so far compared to the previous years:

4. Denmark bans COVID vaccines for children
By Jonathan Bradley Aug 10, 2022

The Danish government barred children under 18 years old from taking COVID-19 vaccines because of the low risk they face from the virus. 

“Therefore, it will no longer be possible for children and young people under the age of 18 to get the 1st jab, and from 1 September 2022 it will no longer be possible to get the 2nd jab,” said the Danish government in a June statement. 

5. Growth recovery, declining births, and rising power demand
Bienvenido S. Oplas Jr.  August 15, 2022

...Three, the effect of vaccination that may have affected some people’s fertility. Mass vaccination in the Philippines started in March 2021. The various COVID-19 vaccines were developed in just months, with no long-term study on reproductive health of people done, they were rushed as emergency use authorization (EUA).


6. The effect of BNT162b2 SARS-CoV-2 mRNA vaccine on menstrual cycle symptoms in healthy women
Naama Lessans,Amihai Rottenstreich,Shira Stern,Adi Gilan,Tal D. Saar,Shay Porat,Uri P. Dior
First published: 20 July 2022

Our study shows relatively high rates of irregular bleeding and menstrual changes after receiving the SARS-CoV-2 mRNA BNT162b2 vaccine. Further research is needed to confirm our findings and to better characterize the magnitude of change and any possible long-term implications.

7. Something weird is happening with the birth rates.
Peter Imanuelsen. Jul 15, 2022

For example, in the Swedish capitol of Stockholm, there has been a 14% reduction in births the first quarter of 2022 compared with 2021. And it is not only in Stockholm, the fertility has dropped all across Sweden.

We are seeing unprecedented collapses around the world. What is going on?
The birthrates have fallen in an unprecedented way in Q1 2022 compared with Q1 2021.

Germany🇩🇪: Down 12%
Taiwan🇹🇼: Down 27%
Netherlands🇳🇱: Down 11%

The same trend worldwide. 

8. Covid Vaccines and Fertility
Published: June 2022 (upd.)

Why is there a substantial decrease in births in Germany, Switzerland, and other countries – nine months after the beginning of covid mass vaccinations?

Do covid vaccines impact male or female fertility?

International birth rates 2022 vs. 2021

9. Covid-19 vaccination BNT162b2 temporarily impairs semen concentration and total motile count among semen donors
Itai Gat,Alon Kedem,Michal Dviri,Ana Umanski,Matan Levi,Ariel Hourvitz,Micha Baum
First published: 17 June 2022

Repetitive measurements revealed −15.4% sperm concentration decrease on T2 (CI −25.5%–3.9%, p = 0.01) leading to total motile count 22.1% reduction (CI −35% – −6.6%, p = 0.007) compared to T0.

10. Menstrual changes after Covid vaccines may be far more common than previously known
A study found that 42% of people with regular menstrual cycles said they bled more heavily than usual after their Covid vaccination.
By Sarah Sloat  July 16, 2022, 2:00 AM PST

An analysis published Friday in the journal Science Advances found that 42% of people with regular menstrual cycles said they bled more heavily than usual after vaccination. Meanwhile, 44% reported no change and around 14% reported a lighter period. Among nonmenstruating people — those post-menopause or who use certain long-term contraceptives, for example — the study suggests many experienced breakthrough or unexpected bleeding after their Covid shots.

The survey included over 39,000 people 18 to 80 years old who were fully vaccinated and had not contracted Covid. The study authors cautioned, though, that the percentages do not necessarily represent the rate of menstrual changes in the general population, since people who observed a difference were more likely to participate.

11. Major Study Confirms COVID Vaccines Alter Women's Periods
Tyler Durden SUNDAY, JUL 17, 2022 - 05:00 AM

12. Casket manufacturer reports unprecedented orders of child-size coffins
By Amanda Brown Jul 12, 2022

Children's caskets typically accommodate the bodies of children aged between 18 months to around 10 years of age.

"There's no denying it, I would say the sales versus the pre-pandemic period were probably up 30%, maybe 40%. And in this industry, for a 30% or 40% increase in sales, something dramatic has to have happened. And it's not just local to specific towns," Mick said. 

13. Europe officially records a shocking 691% increase in Excess Deaths among Children since EMA first approved COVID Vaccine for Children

14. Why won’t the US medical establishment “believe women”? Covid-19 vaccines do not warn about menstrual disruption

I have five female friends who, after receiving Covid-19 vaccines, experienced disruption to their menstrual cycles. Their symptoms have included hemorrhagic bleeding lasting more than a month; heavy intermittent bleeding for four months; passing golf-ball size clots of blood; and extreme cramping, serious enough to land one friend in the ER.

Most of these women are in their 20s and 30s, and at least one of them thinks she might want to have children. She now worries that her symptoms might be the harbinger of long-term fertility problems. At least two of my friends have symptoms that have not resolved. All are feminists and have throughout the years been consistent Democratic Party voters.

Effect of lockdowns on birth rates in the UK
Published: April 21, 2022

Total number of births by month, 2018-21


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