UK, Czech Rep. removing vaccine passport mandate

Some good news here:

(1) Czech Rep., Jan. 20:
New Czech government dismisses mandate vaccination plan
By KAREL JANICEK Associated Press  20 January 2022, 00:24

(2) France, Jan. 21:
France to ease Covid-19 restrictions starting Feb 2

(3) UK, Jan. 19:
England Ends All COVID Passports, Mask Mandates, Work Restrictions
By Lily Zhou   January 19, 2022

(4) Israel, Jan. 18:
Finance minister calls for cancellation of COVID vaccine ‘Green Pass’
18 January 2022, 4:23 pm

Related stories:

1. World Health Organization: ‘No Evidence At All’ That Healthy Children, Adolescents Need Boosters
By  Ryan Saavedra  Jan 19, 2022

A good video by world-renowned virologist, Geert Vanden Bossche,
2. Why are most children and healthy adults safe from Covid?

3. ‘Time to Admit Failure,’ Leading Immunologist Tells Israel’s Ministry of Health
By David Charbonneau, Ph.D.  January 13, 2022

In an open letter to Israel’s Ministry of Health, Professor Ehud Qimron, head of the department of microbiology and immunology at Tel Aviv University, wrote, “When the destructive concepts collapse one by one, there is nothing left but to tell the experts who led the management of the pandemic — we told you so.”


5. Philippines Population Loss in 2021
Based on available PSA data to December 2021
SuperSally888  January 19, 2022

6. 570 unvaxxed commuters get Covid-19 jabs in QC
By Marita Moaje January 20, 2022, 10:39 am 

MANILA – A total of 570 unvaccinated commuters apprehended in Quezon City have received their first dose of coronavirus disease 2019 (Covid-19) jabs since the implementation of the "no vaccination, no ride" policy on Monday.

In a statement Wednesday night, Mayor Joy Belmonte said… commuters unable to present a Covid-19 vaccination card were apprehended and brought to the vaccination site at the Quezon Memorial Circle to receive their first dose of Covid-19 vaccine.

On vax segregation discrimination:

When government collects taxes, fees, fines, penalties, they have zero discrimination, everyone pays. But when it comes to vax, they make life harder for people to work, do business, travel. Since they insist on requiring mandatory PCR test, government should pay, they are the ones who insist on it, not the individuals who do not want it. If Pedro and Juan want to travel, they should pay for their expenses, not the rest of taxpayers.

If government must do vax discrimination, then they should also do tax discrimination. If unvaxxed, they pay only 50% or so of their income taxes, VAT, etc. The debt/GDP ratio is jumping like a kangaroo. Only 37% in 2019, up to 63% in Oct 2021. Where to get the money to pay all those huge debts, partly because of govt. huge vax procurements? Slap also the unvaxxed with high taxes without segregation  discrimination?

Finally, cool recent tweets by Ms. Candace Owens, @RealCandaceO, Jan. 2022:

Jan 19:

2020: Get vaxxed so you won’t catch or spread it!
2021: You can still catch & spread it but won’t get severely ill or hospitalized
2022: So you caught it and were hospitalized but at least you didn’t die!
Next: you can still die but expect  minimal suffering.
Safe & effective!

CNN to create a team dedicated to covering CNN.

Stephen A. Smith caught Covid, was hospitalized with severe symptoms, and *almost* died.
He believes that this is proof that the vaccine he received, worked.
Because he only *almost* died.
We did it y’all.
We’ve reached peak stupidity as a species.

Jan 18:

Now students must submit to having a booster shot before they are allowed back onto campus this semester.
I simply cannot sympathize with parents that are allowing their children to be treated like lab rats in exchange for a degree.

Jan 17:

I would like to apologize to all of the people who are upset that I am unvaccinated and somehow survived covid, a disease with an approximate 99.87% survival rate for individuals under the age of 65. I too am shocked that I survived those odds.

Do I now get to say“I’m so grateful I did NOT get the vaccine, or else my symptoms could have been much, much worse”.
Same idiotic logic presented by all of our moronic, triple-vaxxed congressmen in their laughable statements announcing their covid diagnoses.

Dana White was the first person I texted when I caught covid a few weeks back.
I was better within 24 hours (after having mild flu-like symptoms).
To the guy asking if Dana White is a doctor: Doctors are having their prescriptions blocked by the FDA.

A friend of mine (board certified surgeon in VA) prescribed his patient ivermectin for something unrelated to covid. The pharmacy called to inform him the prescription was blocked by the @US_FDA
The FDA is utterly compromised and earning money to block drugs from the market.

The FDA is a pay-to-play drug cartel that needs to be fully abolished. When the same organization that approved heavily addictive opioids for usage is blocking the prescription of a non-harmful and non-addictive drug like ivermectin—it is because they are irrevocably corrupt.


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