Boycott and discriminate Joey Concepcion businesses

See these pronouncements from a trying hard government bureaucrat:

(1) Creating a transport bubble for the fully vaccinated 
August 19, 2021 | 12:00am

Yesterday, I met with Transportation Secretary Art Tugade to recommend the possible deployment of buses for fully-vaccinated individuals….  Currently, when fully-vaccinated individuals leave their homes, they commute alongside unvaccinated passengers, hence letting their guard down. With the regular buses, both the unvaccinated and the vaccinated are at risk to each other. We do not want a scenario wherein we just simply let the vaccinated individuals interact with those who are unvaccinated given the current threat from the Delta variant.

Again, we will not surpass this lockdown if unvaccinated individuals are given absolute liberty that they had during the pre-pandemic situation. They are the cause of increased transmissions and the best that we can do is to limit their mobility in the pandemic epicenter, which is Metro Manila. If we do not implement this, then there will be no way for us to prevent the spread of COVID-19, and lockdowns will just become a norm in our country.

(2) Metro buses only for the vaxxed? Palace adviser tackles idea with DOTr 
Mariejo Ramos  / 05:40 AM August 20, 2021

Concepcion, who heads food and beverage company RFM Corp., said most of the company’s factory workers had already been vaccinated, allowing it to achieve what he called “micro-herd immunity” in their workplace.

(3) Business leaders want mandatory vaccination for employees 
By Jenina P. Ibañez     August 19, 2021 | 12:33 am

Presidential Adviser for Entrepreneurship Jose Ma. “Joey” Concepcion III said that most companies are able to persuade their employees to avail of the vaccines.

“The private sector has its own ways of persuading their employees. (There is) inconvenience, especially if you pinpoint that there will be less mobility eventually for the unvaccinated,” he said, noting that he has spoken to DoLE about this issue.

“I think it’s required — if you really want to achieve herd immunity… everybody has to be vaccinated,” he added.

(4) Concepcion rallies support for greater mobility for vaccinated 
Louella Desiderio  August 24, 2021 | 12:00am

“This proposal to allow the fully vaccinated to enter business establishments I think is a way forward, not only to bring down the level of quarantine we have today, but hopefully will end all lockdowns in the future which, as you all know, has created a very difficult environment for all of us trying to run our respective businesses,” he said.

“Once 50 percent of Metro Manila population has been fully vaccinated, considering limiting the mobility of the unvaccinated can be the safer option to open the economy and protect everyone,” he said.

Really Joey, "the unvaccinated... are the cause of increased transmissions and the best that we can do is to limit their mobility"?

Wow, great crystal ball you consulted there. If your data is correct, explain this? More vaccination, more Covid transmission and cases, three very industrialized countries?

Now Joey because you are the #1 campaigner lobbyist for discrimination in this country, then you should be the #1 recipient of citizen discrimination too.

People, let us discriminate and BOYCOTT all of Joey Concepcion businesses. I got this meme from a friend, not sure if this is complete.

I know this is not a good situation, respeto na lang, Joey, walang pilitan. Not all people should be given vax due to their existing comorbidities, allergies, age, pregnancy, etc. There are also people who believe more in God-created natural immunity and not man/government/pharma-created artificial immunity. 

Wala na lang pilitan, Joey. Your citizen discrimination proposal will create more economic hardships to the unvaxxed. A boycott RFM and your other businesses will also create economic pain to your workers and stockholders. Learn to respect na lang, ok? Learn to shut up too.

IATF, DOH, OP, Congress -- you should never never entertain the idea of vax discrimination among the people. Otherwise you must accept taxpayers discrimination too. Unvaxxed and discriminated citizens should stop paying taxes (personal income, VAT, gasoline and electricity taxes,...) that pay for the salaries, travels, allowances, offices, perks of government people who will discriminate against them.

Thank you.

Bienvenido "Nonoy" Oplas, Jr.


  1. Not only JoeyCon, but other businesses as well. I saw their social media pages through advertising are pushing this kind of hysteria.


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