Dishonest Covid narratives, WEF volatility report

These are the Covid narratives that I find dishonest and corrupt. 1. Natural infection per se even among the young and healthy is bad, hence endless masks, distancing, etc. 2. Natural immunity from natural infection cannot be trusted. Only vax and booster immunity should be trusted. 3. Post-vax diseases and deaths are due to something else. Emergency use vax are pure safe and effective. 4. Cheap, off patent, proven for 4+ decades like Ivermectin cannot be trusted. Only expensive treatment should be trusted. 5. Only the virus evolve into many variants. Humans and their innate immunity don't evolve to deal with these new variants. Wala nang trangkaso (regular flu), Covid na lahat . Trangkaso is not scary but Covid is scary, hence the endless reference to Covid. It's now 2023 and the Covid establishment still calls it COVID-19, they should call it Covid-23 because these are different variants of the virus already from the 2019-2020 variants. But Covid-19 has the most alarmist, mo...