Goodbye 2022, hoping for a more free 2023

In a few hours, we will leave year 2022 and welcome the year 2023, nice. Two years of lockdown 2020-2021, then remnants of restrictions and mandatory-mandatory this 2022 -- mandatory facemasks in MRT/LRT, airport, etc. Even mandatory vax card in some big hotels. Then mandatory big public spending, bigger public debt, to procure huge Covid vaccination and boosters by the DOH. So among my New Year wishes is that Acting DOH Secretary Vergeiri and her team of medical tyrants be replaced and their endless, no time table health emergency be discontinued. Wala ng trangkaso/flu, lahat Covid na. Wala nang natural immunity, puro vax and booster immunity na. DOH WHO and their cabals hate cheap, old, proven off-patent treatment, they only want expensive, publicly-procured, emergency-use vax and medicines. We are still far from having fiscal discipline and public health honesty because the p...