Interview at Aksyon Radyo Iloilo and Radyo Bacolod about the lockdown

This morning, I was interviewed live in radio, twice. First was Aksyon Radyo Iloilo hosted by Aksyon Junjun Jr. Then Aksyon Radyo Bacolod hosted by Art Tayhopon. Topic was "Collateral damages of the lockdown in Iloilo-Bacolod", purely in Ilongo language. They wanted to know some economic numbers re impact in the region (Region 6, Western Visayas) and what can be done. Sharing here some numbers and my arguments. 1. Economic impact of lockdown, national: * GDP contraction 2020 of -9.6% was the worst PH record since post-WW2, worst in East Asia, 4th worst in the world's top 50 largest economies. * Same virus that started in China, present in the PH, Malaysia, Vietnam, Germany, France, USA, etc yet has severe impact in the PH. It's not the virus per se but response to the virus, lockdown policies, that differentiated the PH from many other countries. * GDP levels (constant 2018 prices): 2017 P17.18 Trillion 2018 P18.26 T 2019 P19.38 T 2020 P17.53 T. (source: PH Statistic...